SCI CT Chapter – President’s Letter
“Good evening and welcome to The Central Connecticut Chapter’s 2023 Game Dinner! The funds raised this evening make it possible for The Central Connecticut Chapter and Safari Club International to continue their missions of advocacy, education, and financial support for hunting and wildlife conservation.
Our Chapter continued its support of organizations which promote hunting, shooting and the outdoors through contributions to The Friends of Connecticut Sportsmen, Conservation Force, the James V. Spignesi Jr Memorial Scholarship at the University of Connecticut to support a student in their education towards wildlife management, the Connecticut Citizen’s Defense League, The BSA Connecticut Yankee Council in support of their shooting sports program which reaches approximately 10,000 youths per year, CAST For Kids, and SCI National through our annual Chapter donation.
SCI National dedicated both financial and legal resources towards legislation at both national and local (Connecticut) levels which was proposed without sound scientific basis and would have had negative impacts on both wildlife and the areas in which they are found.
As always, we continue to rely upon the support of the Connecticut hunting community to assist us in financially supporting these programs which benefit us all.
Available this evening at the Membership Booth are applications for membership to Safari Club International. This membership provides not only funds for supporting the above causes, but also provides the member with resources and networking in local, national, and international hunting.”
Greg Buonocore